Artificial grass gives you the opportunity to have a lush green lawn even in the desert. After all, let’s be honest, about the only time it rains in Arizona is during monsoon season. Therefore, keeping your lawn lush and green year-round can be a problem. However, with green artificial grass that is not the case. The color is permanent. And the owner? They get two main benefits.
Two Main Benefits of Green, Green, Green Artificial Grass
First, maintenance is minimal. Now, you may hear that artificial grass is no maintenance. That is simply not true. However, maintenance is extremely low. For instance, since artificial grass is synthetic it will accumulate dust and debris over time. The easy solution? Simply spray it off with a water hose as need be. The same holds true for pet waste. Simply remove the waste and spray off the affected area with water.Presto, green artificial grass remains. And if you are worried about the smell? Don’t be.Simply incorporate a deodorizer as part of your infield during the design process. That way, Fido the dog and Peaches the cat will not smell up your lawn.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Low maintenance and low water usage mean tremendous savings on your water bill. That’s good news for Arizona homeowners and the state at large. And every little bit we do as Arizona citizens makes an impact on our environment. Therefore, Artificial grass is one of the most eco-conscious lifestyle choices a homeowner can make.
Second, consider the average return on investment for artificial grass lawns is between five and six years. That means your artificial lawn pays you after that point.Try to find that kind of return on the stock market or Wall Street.They do not exist. You might as will be looking for unicorn.
Paradise Greens: The Solution for Arizona Desert Landscapes

Yet, with artificial grass the return is no myth. After six years you reap all of the financial benefits artificial grass has to offer. Also, when you consider warranties typically run between 10 and 15 years on some of the products we offer, you can’t go wrong. So, the best way to have a lush green lawn in the desert? Green artificial grass. It doesn’t get more elementary than this and your wallet will thank you in a long run.
Plus, when monsoon season rolls around you won’t have to worry about money messes, or overseeding in winter to get your grass jump started. Seems like artificial grass handles most desert problems. So contact Paradise Greens today and let’s get started transforming your desert lawn. We have some of the best installers in the industry, and will work to make sure you are satisfied. Why? Because green artificial grass is our business, and we take it seriously. We invite you to become part of the Paradise Greens family today.