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artificial turf pet runs

Pet Runs

Honestly, we receive many calls from pet owners. Seems like dogs have completely ruined their yard. Hey, it happens! Dogs will dig! So, in these cases, we recommend an artificial turf pet run. Consequently, brown patches or bare dirt areas caused by an energetic Fido or Fifi are permanently fixed. Yes, it’s virtually impossible to … Read more

artificial turf lawn

Ladies Love Artificial Turf

Guys, impressing the ladies is another reason for you to invest in an artificial turf lawn. If you are a bachelor with a little time to spare, why spend it doing yard work. Now is the time to add artificial turf to eliminate at least one of your chores. This will leave time for the … Read more

synthetic turf council

Paradise Greens and the Synthetic Turf Council

The Synthetic Turf Council (STC) is a non-profit trade organization for the artificial grass industry, promoting quality products and good business practices.  Established in 2003, the Synthetic Turf Council is dedicated to serving as a resource for trustworthy information about synthetic turf.  Therefore, the objective of the STC is to promote better understanding among everyone … Read more

Buyer’s Guide To Artificial Turf

Whenever consumers are looking to purchase it is always in their best interest to possess knowledge and insight.  Furthermore, not only about the products, but the company they are dealing with. So why is it when purchasing artificial turf customers are so misinformed?  Seems like an artificial turf guide would be helpful. Stay Informed About … Read more

artificial turf experience

Why Experience Matters

So when you are constructing the Artificial Lawn or Putting Green of your dreams, what differentiates one company from another?  We are proud to work with some of the finest, most experienced, individuals in the industry.  And, with this experience comes individuals that ensure customer’s needs are met and exceeded.  Finally, with over 50 years … Read more

artificial turf industry environment

Looking Ahead: The Future of Artificial Turf

As the end of 2010 draws to a close one tends to look towards the future.  For Paradise Greens and the Artificial Turf industry the future has never been brighter.  The engineering and design of Artificial Turf systems are constantly improving.  As new technological advancements continue with manufacturing and materials, possibilities are endless. There is … Read more

BCS Bowl Teams and Artificial Turf

With the rapidly approaching holiday season that means a few things.  Family, friends, good food, and of course college football bowl games.  The Top 25 Bowl Championship Series (BCS) teams will have recorded a winning season. And while home field advantage help, so does playing on a Synthetic Turf field. Consequently, these teams have a … Read more

Artificial Turf and It’s New Found Uses and Versatility

These days, more and more people are opting for Synthetic Grass lawns from Paradise Greens, over real grass because it’s low-maintenance, eco-friendly, cost-effective and very realistic.  It’s not uncommon to see Fake Turf in front of a neighbor’s home or in their back yard, especially in the Southwest. But you might be surprised at some … Read more

synthetic turf athletic field

One Synthetic Turf Field Provides Outlet for 20,000 Tires

Here is an interesting tidbit about synthetic turf athletic fields. Crumb rubber, derived from recycled tires, enhances performance. It provides infill for sports fields and paving for running tracks. In addition, crumb rubber adds cushioning and springiness to protect athletes. Consequently, crumb rubber surfaces dry quickly, drain excess moisture, reduce dust and mud, and minimize … Read more

artificial turf helps athletes

Artificial Turf Helps Athletes

The first well-publicized use of AstroTurf,  is the Houston Astrodome in 1966. This marked the beginning of synthetic turf athletic fields. Yet, this first generation of synthetic is essentially a short pile carpet with foam backing. So in that regard, to say artificial turf helps athletes would be incorrect. Since then, design changes give us … Read more