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artificial turf lawns

Another One Bites the Dust…

…Literally. Grass, dirt, dust, all becoming a thing of the past for more and more stadiums across the country. The Baltimore Ravens were one of the first teams to come on board. Since then, more are following suit. The NFL is waking up to the fact nothing beats an artificial turf lawn. Why Artificial Turf … Read more

fake grass

World Cup: Did You Know…

The worlds of fake grass and real grass have collided. Debuting at the World Cup games this year is a hybrid of synthetic turf and blades of grass. The experiment is thought to be an extreme success and one that will assuage the arguments of Real vs. Fake when it comes to the types of … Read more

synthetic turf grass

A Whole City of Green!

When it comes down to thinking of synthetic turf grass I think it is fair to say that 95% of people automatically think of a football stadium, baseball field, or soccer pitch. Maybe a few of those 90% think of it for school playgrounds as well. Yet, how many of you think of artificial turf … Read more

More and More or Less and Less?

What is your feeling on Artificial Turf? Do you think that it is an increasing thing you see everywhere? Or do you think that it is a fad, something that just seems to be talked about but not really implemented anywhere? Do a quick search on Google for the words Synthetic Grass, or Artificial Turf. … Read more

artificial grass fields

The Past and The Future

This past week saw a flurry of news concerning the Chicago Bears’ weighing their decision to either keep their stadium’s traditional grass or move forward and put artificial turf in place. Artificial grass fields In the beginning of the week it looked as they were going to look towards a bright future with turf. Yet, … Read more

The World Cup Being Played on Artificial Turf?

As with any argument relating to synthetic grass or artificial turf, people wonder about the advantages and disadvantages of using it in the sports world. Not everyone has access to it and knows how to run or play on it and knowing what to expect is a very big part of any sports competition. When … Read more

Kid Tested, Mother Approved

As the years go on, artificial turf fields gets talked about more and more. Whether it is a discussion about the positives or negatives behind implementing synthetic grass, it is nonetheless an active discourse happening all over the country. The overwhelming use of turf cannot be ignored. It continues to grow in more and more … Read more

chelsea park

New York – Loves Their Turf!

New York is commonly referred to as the concrete jungle. Basketball courts, asphalt playgrounds, and hundreds of miles of sidewalk are the images one recalls when someone thinks about New York City. All of its greenery is supposedly kept up in that gigantic, rectangular, famous Central Park, right? Wrong. Let’s talk about Chelsea Park. Chelsea … Read more

Synthetic Grass – Beneficial or Detrimental?

There is a heated debate happening in San Francisco right now regarding the covering of a soccer field with Artificial Turf. One side of the coin states that by covering a soccer field with synthetic grass it is hurting the environment & the path of certain migratory birds who frequent the area. The flip side … Read more

artificial turf memories

Artificial Turf as a Cherished Memory?

When you were a kid, maybe you played baseball, or soccer, or football. The field you held your competitions or games on could have been made of either real or synthetic grass.  Yet, most likely the fields you practiced on were composed of real grass. Odds are on a warm summer day, when the fields … Read more