Charlie Ferer

Will Artificial Grass Hold Up to Monsoon Season?

We’ve been getting a lot of rain lately – enough to cancel a Diamondback’s game (read more). And while it’s nothing like the flash floods we saw back in 2017 (video), with the recent flash flood watch, it’s a good idea to be prepared as much as possible. Flooding in the southwest can be dangerous and … Read more

Paradise Greens Testimonial

Testimonials are valuable decision tools because you get to hear from other clients like yourself. So when we get new ones we are honored and love to share them. Here is one from Kevin!

Outdoor Living Spaces

In the desert it is hard to keep large outdoor living spaces without using artificial grass. Take a look at this drone video of a backyard install we recently did for the kids and pets of this customer. The yard is amazing!

The Perfect Solution for Pool Areas

If you’ve ever been to a swim meet or pool party where there’s a section of real grass, you probably know that by the end of the day you basically have a mud pit. Heavy foot traffic + pool water + real grass is a recipe for disaster. Not only will that well-manicured grass get … Read more

Personal Putting Greens

The installation of a backyard putting green requires a lot of skill and experience to get it done correctly. Tony did her research and picked us for her backyard green, here is her testimonial.

Does Artificial Grass Affect Home Resale Value?

If you’re planning on staying in your current home forever, then you should do as you please. But if you’re considering artificial grass and you’re not sure you’re going to be in your home that long, resale value is something you need to be considering (when we say resale value, we’re talking about what a … Read more

Amazing Backyard Putting Greens with Artificial Grass

If you’re a golfer, you know how important those last few strokes are, how precise you need to be on the green. It’s a challenge I think even non-golfers can appreciate. If you’ve spent any amount of time envisioning a putting green in your backyard, then let me show you some amazing examples we’ve done … Read more

Pets and Artificial Grass: Will It Hold Up?

This is a big one. What do you do when your pet does a #2 on your new lawn? Well, the good news is artificial lawns are surprisingly easy to clean.

Unlike the lawn across the street, this one’s never going to brown.

Uncharted Space: Artificial Grass in Your Front Yard?

Gone are the days of neon-green artificial lawns that looked fake, reflected light, and got too hot to enjoy in the summer heat. Today’s artificial grass is built for enjoyment (including pets) and lasts 10-15 years, with extremely low maintenance. It’s a smart choice for the eco-friendly, the budget-conscious, the elderly, the lazy, and the landscaping lover who just so happens to live in the desert.

Artificial grass and stone pavers

We have a lot of people ask about putting artificial grass between stones in all kinds of different situations. So we thought we would share this project we recently did. It was intense but it came out pretty amazing.