Water conservation and artificial grass go hand in hand. There is one good reason. Natural lawns are some of the big water usage culprits. Consider how much water is used in the US to maintain natural grass areas. Everything from front and backyards, to golf courses and parks use water. Because of our love for natural greenery we have an issue. We waste so much water. That is not good. It is our most crucial resource.
In cities such as Phoenix, Arizona, conservation is not just a priority for the environment. On the contrary, it’s an economic necessity.
It seems water conservation and artificial grass are a perfect match to solve this problem.
The Link between Water Conservation and Artificial Grass
You may be surprised at the following. It takes about 20,000 gallons of water a year to maintain a 400-square-foot lawn. Consequently, that measures out to around 50 gallons of water per square foot. To put it in perspective, this is the same amount of water used to produce five tons of steel, two thousand loaves of bread, or three thousand watermelons.
However, these figures are not mentioned to impress.
On the contrary, they highlight the severity of the issue. Due to water shortages, the cost of both farming and manufacturing goods has increased. And you know what the worst part? The increased cost of goods is not absorbed by the manufacturer. Instead, they are passed on to consumers. So, it’s YOU who are actually picking up the water usage tab.
Additionally, most people use fertilizers and pesticides to maintain their lawn. As a result, water is drenched with chemicals that leech into the ground, polluting our precious groundwater resources.
Benefits of Replacing Natural Grass with Synthetic Grass
You see, every drop counts when it comes to water conservation and artificial grass installations can help. Considering the long periods of drought, particularly in the southwestern regions of the US, replacing natural grass with artificial grass is not just an option—but a necessity. The benefits are numerous. Artificial grass is the secret to a perfect backyard.
For instance, one of the best things about artificial grass is you don’t need water it to maintain a luscious, green appearance. Also, there is no need to mow the lawn, use pesticides or fertilizers. It also reduces the amount of green waste from clippings that tend to overcrowd local landfills. Artificial grass makes everything better.
Plus, artificial grass looks even greener up close! This means your flawless, synthetic greenery is aesthetically pleasing all year round. Unlike natural grass, you won’t see any burnt or muddy patches. These are great ancillary benefits!
Conserving water helps rivers and lakes rise back to normal levels. You will definitely feel good knowing you are playing your part to protect our precious resources. It will drastically reduce your water consumption, save money, and help reduce water problems in the area. Now after knowing reading this post, don’t you think water conservation and artificial grass make sense? If you have been considering a switch, contact us for a free consultation. Together, we can move the needle on water conservation.